Both Sides of Sunset & The Open Road

Two of my recent additions to my library are "The Open Road" by David Campany (Aperture 2014) and "Both Sides of Sunset: Photographing Los Angeles" by Metropolis Books (2015).

I found both books at Vroman's bookstore in Pasadena, one of the oldest and best book stores in Southern California.

"Both Sides of Sunset" features work by over 100 artists.  Many I was familiar with like Lewis Baltz, Garry Winogrand, and John Divola but many of the photographers I was not familiar with.  Having lived in Southern California since birth in the 1960's I am very familiar with most all the subject matter and I appreciate the different approaches to documenting my home.  I like some images more than others but I appreciate the concept , especially because I know Los Angeles is not an easy place to photograph.  There are lots of great images I had never seen before, I highly recommend this book for anyone interested in documentary photography and Los Angeles.


Bruce Davidson 1964 & Bruce Gilden 2006- "Photographing Both Sides of Sunset"

Elliot Erwin 1956 & Joel Meyerowitz 1976-  "Photographing Both Sides of Sunset

"The Open Road" is a beautifully printed book featuring 19 well known photographers like Lee Friedlander, Alec Soth, Robert Frank, Garry Winogrand, and Inge Morath and images from their travels.  Another good documentation, this time of America.  I especially liked the maps in the back of the book showing the locations where the images were taken.  I think it was a perfect fit with the road trip theme, made the document complete.  Again I highly recommend this book for anyone who enjoys documentary photography.

Robert Frank - Butte, Montana 1956 & Arizona Route 66 1955

Alec Soth - Minnesota 2002