SAN FRANCISCO 1992 to 2017
San Francisco
I used to enjoy visiting San Francisco, the city had some of that East Coast feel and so much great photography. I was lucky enough to have shown a few prints at Eye Gallery and had an amazing portfolio review once at The Ansel Adams Center where Morrie Camhi and I bonded over Bill Jay stories. I always enjoy what Fraenkel Gallery is showing, especially when it was Winogrand. SFMoMA is is a fantastic institution and I made it up there for their Winogrand retrospective. Pier 24 is one of my favorite photography museums, just an incredible space and they curate amazing exhibitions.
It’s been four years since I have been there, with the recent booming homeless population and rampant crime I have not had the desire to visit. It is a shame since the city is picturesque and I have been successful photographing people there.
The images in this Gallery document San Francisco during my time, as with my photographs from other cities I try and capture relationships between people and between individuals and their community.
More images will be added to this gallery as it is still under construction.
All images © 1992 -2017 WILLIAM KARL VALENTINE