LOS ANGELES 1985 to 2024





Los Angeles
Early on I found it hard to photograph in Los Angeles despite knowing it well; I was born and raised there. To photograph in LA is unlike all the other major city; people do not walk much around here. The city is so spread out most people drive to get to where they are going. Up until recently there was not a decent transportation system and even now few people really use the new rail system because it is not practical since the city is so spread out. I always gravitated toward Chicago or New York where there was a downtown where people were concentrated. In downtown LA people were on the street at lunch time and rush hour and that was it. In Los Angeles the buildings are so tall and close to one another there is not an abundance of good light in downtown plus people in LA are not used to photographers roaming the streets as they are in New York and Chicago. In recent years I have started photographing Hollywood, Venice, and other tourist locations where people walk, that had worked well before the pandemic. Otherwise most my images from Los Angeles come from spotting subject matter while driving or just having a camera with me while I am driving.
You cannot describe the Los Angeles Lifestyle is hard to describe, because there is no one lifestyle here. The movie “La La Land” captured the Hollywood Hills and “Move to California” atmosphere well. The beach cities are for the most part more laid back from the rest of LA but then each beach has their own unique culture. Smaller neighborhoods and cities which border one another can be so different, and the affluent West Side is a world of its own. Because of the vast size and diversity of Los Angeles it is hard to sum it up in few words or a small number of images.
The images in this Gallery document Los Angeles during my time, as with my photographs from other cities I try and capture relationships between people and between individuals and their community.
More images will be added to this gallery as it is still under construction.
All images © 1985 -2024 WILLIAM KARL VALENTINE